Special Assessment Policy - Final Approved 6-20-2022

The City of Horace has developed a policy guide for how special assessments are administered. Our goal was to create a tool that will develop fair and equitable assessments through a transparent process. 

Infrastructure improvements are recognized as benefitting a property by increasing the potential value and usefulness of the property through delivery of infrastructure services. The City of Horace may levy assessments for the costs of these improvements directly to properties receiving the benefit
pursuant to authority granted under the North Dakota Century Code (NDCC).

The intent of this policy is to serve as a guide for the Special Assessment Commission and City Council to use in the fair allocation of special assessments. This Policy is intended to be equitable in the development of assessments and created to allow for consistent use by the Commission and City 
Council. Additionally, this Policy will act as an informative tool to provide the public, specifically property owners, with the procedures, methodology, and communication points to increase transparency in the special assessment process.

Special Assessment Policy - Final Approved 6-20-2022